Students Recitals
本會定期舉行學生聯合音樂會。 歡迎獨奏、重奏、合奏等多元化節目參加。
DATES & LOCATIONS: 2016-2017
2 PM – 5 PM, Sun., 12/17/2017 @ SCU (12/11)
2 PM – 5 PM, Sun., 02/18/2018 @ SCU (02/12)
2 PM – 5 PM, Sun., 04/15/2018 @ SCU (04/09)
(Deadline for registration)
940 Franklin St., Santa Clara, CA 95053 (University Building #114, corner of Lafayette St. and Franklin St.)
San Jose Trianon Theatre:
72 North 5th Street San Jose, CA 95112 (downtown San Jose, close to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
限本會Active Member 的學生參加.
Only students of current active teacher members of the CMTANC can be enrolled to the recital.Music length:
獨奏必須背譜演奏. 每首曲長限七分鐘以內。超時加收 $10. 曲目最長不得超過十五分鐘.
每位老師所報每場全數學生演奏時間不得超過二十分鐘. 至多六位學生. 若超過二十分鐘時限, 該老師該場演出每位學生報名費用各多加收 $10 罰金.
Solo repertoire must be performed from memory.
Time limit per piece of music is 7 minutes. $10 will be charged for over time. The maximum length of each piece is 15 minutes (if it’s over timed). Each member teacher may submit for max. 6 students and not exceed maximum 20 minutes per recital. $10 penalty per student of the same teacher will be charged if his/her students’ performance time has exceeded the 20 minutes limit.
所有參加的學生需提前十五分鐘前到場報到. 遲到者恕不得參加演出. 不提供暖身練習琴房.
All students are to arrive at minimum of 15 minuets prior to the recital . Each student must check in to receive seating instructions . You will be seated in the order of the program. Please warm up at home as there are no provisions for warm-up. Arriving late will be disqualified. .
Obligation of participating teachers:
派有學生參加演出的老師,請務必在音樂會開場前三十分鐘到場協助場務. 未能出席老師需派請一位家長代勞. 未能履行義務者,將在一年之內不得再派送學生參加音樂會.
Participating teachers are required to help with stage management. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the recital. If the teacher cannot show, one representative must be sent. If the teacher fails to send any volunteer to help with the recital, the teacher will be prohibited from participating the Student Recital for one year.
所有學生不得早退. 五歲以下兒童不得進場.
Performers, families are required to remain for the entire recital. Please do stay for the entire recital, the last student in the program is as deserving of a full audience as the first student. No children under 5 years old.
可安靜進行攝像錄影; 照相時不得使用閃光燈而干擾演出人. 請務必將攝錄設備靜音以免妨礙演出人及其他觀眾權益.
You may e quietly video tape recording and/or taking photos of your student’s performance. Taking photo with flashlight is prohibited.
Female performers should wear a minimum of knee length skirts or dresses, blouses or dress pants and all with dress shoes [non-athletic].
Male performers should wear dress slacks , a dress shirt and dress shoes [non-athletic]. Suits, sweaters and ties are not required, but welcome.
Our yearly activities include student recitals, the CMTANC Youth Music competition, and Champion Honors Recital. Throughout the year, CMTANC also sponsors various music activities such as workshops, seminars and master classes for our members, students, parents and the community. The monthly newsletter is available and is mailed to our members regularly.
Contact us
P. O. Box 3382, Saratoga, CA 95070, U.S.A.,
Phone (408) 681-9928
Email :
Social Media
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